joi, 31 martie 2011

Inainte ca sa-i spun vietii mele ce vreau sa fac cu ea, trebuia sa las viata sa-mi spuna cine sunt eu. - Parker J. Palmer
Cand un om se priveste prea mult pe sine, ajunge sa nu mai stie care ii este chipul si care masca. -  Pio Baroja

marți, 29 martie 2011

No one is in charge of your happiness but you. - Coelho
When you are unsure how to proceed, stop.
Be still and enter into the silence. Allow your mind to cease its restless thinking. Wait. Let the answer come in its time.
Little children can do the most amazing things with such joy and fun. You were little once too, and knew how to turn everything into a game. So, turn your work into a game, and you will find joy and satisfaction in it. What are some ways you can start being playful with work?

duminică, 27 martie 2011

Your heart's deepest desire must be the will of God for he cannot have made you so that your heart should run counter to his will; let him but have his own way with you, and your desire he will give you.

luni, 14 martie 2011

The wonderful truth is that you can control only one thing in your life -- your thoughts! - Brian Tracy
It's important to appreciate and respect the young ones.
Let them feel your love. These children and young people will inherit our earth, and as they have been treated, so will they treat others.

duminică, 13 martie 2011

A lot of things you think are important, are just urgent, but not important. Focus on what really matters.
A phone call for example is always urgent - it rings only a few times and is gone, but is often not important. If you are in the middle of something truly important - playing with kids, being present with your loved one, - do not stop just because a silly phone rings. Stay present with what's important now.
One good deed can shift the balance of the whole world.
Never underestimate the power of your goodness and kindness.
When whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way.
Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present.
When what you are doing is not working, do something else.
Anything else. You'll only get the same results if you do what you have always done.
"The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself." - Coelho

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

"Este mult mai uşor de recunoscut eroarea, decât de găsit adevărul; 
Eroarea stă la suprafaţă, adevarul în adâncime."
O eroare este cu atat mai primejdioasa, cu cat contine mai mult adevar. - Henri Frederic Amiel

miercuri, 2 martie 2011

"Singura realitate pe care eu pot să o cunosc este lumea aşa cum o percep şi o experimentez eu în acest moment. Sigura realitate pe care eu o pot cunoaşte este aceea pe care o percepi şi o experimentezi în acest moment. Şi singura atitudine este aceea că cei care percep realitatea sunt diferiţi. Există atâtea lumi 'reale ' câţi oameni există." (C.Rogers, 1980)