duminică, 17 iulie 2011

Beginning your day without prayer is like skipping breakfast.
Something will be missing. When you begin your day by communing with the Divine, you are spiritually fortified. Your day flows with grace.

joi, 14 iulie 2011

To love God you must have an attitude of love.
An attitude of receptivity and warmth and readiness to receive God's grace. An attitude of giving and generosity and not-holding-back to let God's grace flow through you and on into the world. You know you love God when you feel love flowing through you.

luni, 11 iulie 2011

"...viaţa continuă să bată la uşa ta şi tu nu eşti niciodată acasă - întotdeauna eşti altundeva. Dacă ai fi fost dansator, viaţa ar fi venit şi ţi-ar fi bătut la uşă pentru că ştia că eşti dansator. Însă aşa vine şi bate la uşă dar tu nu eşti acolo - tu eşti bancher. De unde să ştie viaţa viaţa că eşti bancher? Viaţa vine la tine aşa cum providenţa divină te-a hărăzit să fii; ea ştie numai adresa aceea - însă tu nu te afli acolo, eşti altundeva, ascunzându-te sub masca altcuiva, sub numele altcuiva. Existenţa tot te caută. Îţi ştie numele, însă tu ai uitat acel nume. Îţi ştie adresa, însă tu n-ai locuit niciodată la acea adresă. Ai lăsat lumea să te distragă."

vineri, 8 iulie 2011

"Your programming leads to your thoughts; your thoughts lead to your feelings; your feelings lead to your actions; your actions leads to your results. Therefore, just as is done with a personal computer, by changing your programming, you take the first essential step to changing your results." - T. Harv Eker
"If you want to move to a new level in your life, you must break through your comfort zone and practice doing things that are not comfortable."  -  T. Harv Eker
"Successful people are successful because they do more things that increase the probabilities that they will achieve the success they want."- T. Harv Eker
"If you have not experienced what you want in your life, it is not because God has failed to answer your prayers. Rather, it is because you have been thinking, speaking, or acting in contradiction to what you have been desiring." . - N. D. W.
You will blossom.   
A flower starts deep under the dirt and has to fight against gravity in the darkness before finally breaking free and opening its bloom to the sun. You may feel like you're in darkness and everything around you is muddy, but keep pushing toward the Light and when the time is right, you will burst into blossom.