duminică, 25 decembrie 2011

“Cand o usa a fericirii se inchide, o alta se deschide; dar deseori ne uitam atat de mult la usa inchisa ca nu o mai vedem pe cea care s-a deschis pentru noi.” - Helen Keller

"The greatest poverty of all is the absence of love.

Why choose to be poor when love is abundant?"

marți, 20 decembrie 2011

‎"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field." (Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1922)

I hope it's not true. :)

vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

Even as the shell of the seed must break, that its heart may grow into a tree, so must you know pain.
Ştim cu toţii că trăim într-o lume cu probleme, dar cea mai mare problemă este că mulţi nu ştiu că trăim într-o lume plină de soluţii.
– Julia Butterfly Hil

joi, 8 decembrie 2011

I align myself with people who support my growth.

If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours, send them love and move along. - WD

‎"Lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know
time is needed for the crescent moon to become full." - Rumi