miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2011

"Vices can be turned to virtues through awareness.
Look for a daily practice to cultivate your awareness."

luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

‎"A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault." ~John Henry Newman †

sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

"When you strike out, you always strike in.

Any weapon you use to strike, - clenched hand, angry voice, closed heart withholding love, - is double-sided with one edge always cutting deep into yourself. Sometimes a weapon is necessary, but use it wisely, - and remember that the cost of using one are your own wounds."

sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

‎"Adesea eul ni se revelează mai bine tocmai în acele stări sufleteşti pe care le simţim mai străine de fiinţa noastră. Ciudat: când suntem mai aproape de noi, ne credem mai departe." - Lucian Blaga
‎"If the house of the world is dark,
Love will find a way to create windows."
~ Rumi

"Sometimes beginnings are only possible where there are endings.

Clear acknowledged endings are as necessary to intelligible life, as pauses between notes to intelligible music. Although endings sometimes feel like the end of you, take them for what they really are, - the end of a stage in your life. Here is to new beginnings!"