marți, 23 august 2011

Everyone is looking for love, but the blessed ones do the opposite.   
Blessed are those looking to give love. Right now think of three simple ways you can give love and be blessed.

miercuri, 17 august 2011

"Difficulty" is the name of an ancient tool created to define who we are.
There will be times when you feel tossed around by the tempests of your emotions.
When this happens, look for that still sacred space within you. Take some time to rest in that space. After a time, when you are ready, come out to face the world again.
Visualize your goals and ideals continually, to influence your subconscious mind. - B. T.

duminică, 14 august 2011

Everything will be alright.
It may seem dark at the moment, but don't lose hope. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, keep moving and you'll get there. God won't abandon you; let God be your light. It may take some time, but in the end, everything will be alright.

joi, 11 august 2011

All men and women are connected by an energy which many people call love, but which is, in fact, the raw material from which the universe was built. This energy cannot be manipulated. - Coelho

marți, 9 august 2011

"The life you are having is the life you are creating.
Even when this seems paradoxical on the surface, - how could you ever possibly want anything but happiness, - on a deeper level, there is something in you that is making it so. To transform your life you first must understand what is keeping it the way it is."

luni, 8 august 2011

When you are at a loss of what to do, do nothing.
Doing nothing can be very wise. When you pause doing things, you become more aware of God's presence, and often an unexpected solution to your question will arise.

duminică, 7 august 2011

Freedom is within, not without.
Freedom is much misunderstood as freedom from something, as outward facing. Such freedom is illusory. Real freedom is freedom from mental sins of desire, hate, prejudice. Real freedom brings peace, grace, bliss.
Ori de câte ori amânaţi - mai ales când e vorba de sarcini importante - veţi fi stresaţi.
- B. T. -
So we wait

We wait in line at the grocery store, in traffic, to find true love, for health.
We wait for more money, freedom, time, for someone to come home.

We wait for inspiration, for a response, to hold someone we care for.
We wait to finally understand, to get it, to be seen, to live free and we wait to die.

We wait for the small things in Life, and we wait for the big things in Life.

Is it possible to not wait – to not want to be somewhere else than here – now?

You will probably be waiting for something later today, so have awareness of the fact that
you are given a pause – a time out – a moment to use as you please.

Make something out of this precious little moment – create something good.

There is no point waiting for Life – Life is waiting for you.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." - David Frost
"Don't be afraid to take chances. Most people achieved their greatest successes one step beyond what looked like their greatest failure." - B. T.
If you cannot accept failing, you cannot succeed.
Nothing truly meaningful is achieved on the first attempt, and if that's where you stop, then failure is all you will have.
"God sends us trials and afflictions to exercise us in patience and teach us sympathy with the sorrows of others." ~ St. Vincent de Paul †
"You can be like a tree which is both rooted and reaching.
In what ways can you root yourself in a reality or an environment which serves your need for stability? And in which ways can you reach toward the heavens for inspiration and connection to Divine?"
When you want God to knock on your door, you go and knock on God's door.
Give of yourself and you shall receive.
"Today don't beg, don't ask, just thank God in silence for all the blessings in your life."
If you're feeling in a slump, allow the winds of change to blow through your life.
Life is a learning process, and changes can be wonderful opportunities for growth. Don't be afraid of change! Embrace it and grow!
Love has already found you.
So much time has been spent trying to make yourself lovable. Trying to make yourself more attractive, more interesting. But love has already found you, perfect and pure love. Rest assured that God loves you just the way you are.
You are beautiful. 
Even when you feel ugly or depressed or guilty or ashamed, there is an inner spark in you which is light. This light is your beauty. This light is your reflection of God. You are a child of God, thus you are beautiful.
A new beginning is always possible.
Let the greening of the Earth in springtime be a sign for you that a new beginning is always possible, even after the longest, coldest, darkest winter.
Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence, and intelligence until these qualities "lock in" to your subconscious mind. - B. T.
"Chaque jour la vie nous présente un certain nombre de problèmes à résoudre. Celui qui, au lieu de s’efforcer de les résoudre honnêtement, cherche à les esquiver, se trouvera bientôt devant des difficultés insurmontables. Pourquoi ? c’est très simple. Vous êtes allé à l’école, n’est-ce pas, et là vous avez étudié la grammaire, les mathématiques, etc. Pour chaque discipline vous avez eu des exercices à faire. Prenons les mathématiques, par exemple : imaginez qu’un élève commence par négliger les exercices correspondant à la première leçon, il lui manque les éléments pour aborder les leçons suivantes. Alors, que va-t-il faire ? La situation deviendra de plus en plus difficile, et le moment arrivera où il ne pourra plus s’en sortir. Il en est de même avec les problèmes que la vie nous présente. Chaque problème bien résolu nous donne les éléments pour affronter les problèmes suivants dans les meilleures conditions, car les efforts que nous avons faits portent leurs fruits : avec chaque exercice nous devenons plus perspicaces, plus patients, plus résistants.”
"Il ne faut jamais choisir un chemin pour les épreuves qu'on va y rencontrer, en s'imaginant susciter ainsi l'admiration des autres et l'approbation du Ciel. En Bulgarie, nous avons un proverbe qui dit qu'un saint trop zélé est même antipathique au Seigneur. Oui, car ce zèle-là est suspect. Il y a des êtres qui, par tempérament, sont poussés à se sacrifier pour des causes nobles. C'est leur idéal de générosité qui les pousse, presque malgré eux, sur cette voie difficile; et c'est ce même idéal qui leur permet de ne jamais se décourager, mais aussi de rester humbles et pleins d'amour quoi qu'ils accomplissent. Or, il faut reconnaître que ces êtres sont rares. Alors, attention aux fanatiques qui recherchent la gloire du martyre dans des actes insensés! Qu'ils ne s'imaginent pas qu'ils vont s'attirer ainsi les bénédictions du Ciel!”
"There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing. If you have two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. Did you eat your frog this morning?" - B. T.
"Doubt has been my own process, my own way to reach to truth. And I would like you to become more and more sharp, intelligent. Doubt more scientifically. Just as in science doubt helps you to discover, it also helps in the inward journey."
There is a right time for each of the things you do.
If you try to live counter to your personal rhythms, you will expend more time and energy to get things done. Body and soul suffer when you force yourself to wrestle against your own rhythms. Listen to your rhythms and follow them.
"Very often the world is as good as you see it is.
If you focus on the bad, you will see a 'bad' world. If you focus on the good, you will see goodness. Choose your focus carefully."
It's important you maintain your natural rhythm of life.
Everyone has their own rhythm of living, - for some it's faster, for other it's slower. When you are forced to live outside your own rhythm, it is exhausting. Remember to keep coming back to your own rhythm.